You may not see it from your point of view, but the "land that I love" is not the same land you grew up in, or is it? Change has come alright and long before President Obama came onto the scene. Each time a new president is elected he brings with him a wave of change, good or bad is left to you to decide. However, the progression of our 'modern society' speaks loudly and with clear definition. It's all about "ME" and my special interests, just how much sympathy can I draw from the poor saps across the land looking for a "worthy" cause to give their hard earned dollars too? Perhaps a bit more specificity is due as all "worthy" causes are not unworthy nor do they support striking against your neighbor and family in pursuit of "justice" for their livestock/pets and kids. 911 has virtually destroyed the American society, allowing for the ease of tattling and snitching on anyone who seems to be minding their own business while tending their own affairs without need of their neighbors help. Reports recently highlighted the undue amount of calls received by 911 operators on every type of situation imaginable, overloaded switchboards due to repeated reports from cellphone callers on the same incident as they simply keep calling until they see some response at the scene. There could be no easier way for the 'police state' to maintain control over the citizenry than to pit them against each other with the 'emergency' system of 911. Is it any wonder why the "terrorists" struck the twin Trade Towers in NYC on 9/11/2001? A complete mockery was made of the "emergency" call system that very day yet the citizens continue to allow it to operate as though it's the only way to get real help in an actual emergency. What has become of the land "of the people, by the people, and for the people" as it was established?