Monday, November 4, 2013

The Fear of The Lord Yehovah is Not in Them

      A sure sign of the End of Days, when man takes his 'free will' past the point of its intended purpose.

     Half a dozen years ago it would have been unthinkable, but on November 2, two men who graduated from West Point were “married” to each other at the U.S. Military Academy's Cadet Chapel (shown) — the same sacred place of Christian worship that has held the funerals and memorial services of fallen soldiers and august military commanders.

“It's maybe one more barrier that's pushed over a little bit, or maybe one more glass ceiling that's shattered that makes it easier for the next couple,” one cadet  quipped before the controversial ceremony. Neither of the men is currently active in military service.

Saturday, November 2, 2013


You have no idea what your insurance needs are so the Liberal Socialists Communists have begun to show you just exactly what your needs are, this is an excellent read especially for the liberals who believe they're doing an outstanding job ;)

A Washington Post article here will help you understand.

Friday, September 13, 2013

Model Airplanes

Back to the work bench. Yep it's been a long time since I smelled the epoxy and watched those servos move back and forth. It didn't take long to get back in the sport and start whipping the airplanes into shape. The Tecate is upside down in need of some fuselage repair after a stall and rough landing. The L-19 is going together well while the Astr-Hog awaits it's turn on the bench as we've barely begun assembling it. Can't wait to get them all together, the PT-19 and the Ace Alpha are in line as well. :)

Thursday, August 22, 2013

Rolling Up a Little Hay

Back in July we purchased this old Massey Ferguson (Vermeer) "Giant" round baler just to have a baler for gathering up some of the grass where the livestock aren't grazing. The old baler was in working condition as it had rolled a few bales earlier in the season though it does need some new lacing on one end of a ten inch wide belt. A few minor fix its and it should be ready to roll up a few acres of grass.
So about ten days ago we cut a little grass in order to try the old baler and see where it needs any repair or adjustment and so forth. The next day we hooked up to the 966 Farmall and proceeded to roll some hay. This is really the first real work the old tractor has seen since we purchased it two years ago. Anyhow, the tractor and baler sort of match up well as the tractor has plenty of PTO hp (96) and is more than large enough to drag the old baler around.
The tractor performed well and ran like it did new in 1973 while the baler put up five nice rolls of hay. About halfway along, the old fan belt left the water pump pulley and fled the scene, in shreds. And this after I had run the tractor several hours prior to this event and called the belt good. Ofcourse, I hadn't operated the tractor at working RPM for an extended period until this day and it proved to be too much for the old belt. Found a replacement belt up in the shop and was back to baling soon. The old Farmall sounds 'sweet' under a load and blows a little black smoke out of the exhaust just like an old tractor should. What a day! Got to run the old equipment and bale a little hay!

Sunday, July 21, 2013

Train on the tracks

     While snapping a few shots of the old yard engine at the Pittsburg, Texas Pilgrim Feed Mill, 

along came this BNSF freight picking up speed as the engineer fed the throttle to the three locomotives as they passed our position. The ground shook and the diesel smell filled the air as they rumbled on by.

Flitzer Biplane

The Flitzer series of biplanes designed by Lynn Williams of UK origin is most appealing in its structure as a vintage style from the early years of aviation. The fact of it flying on low power and relatively inexpensive Volkswagon engines make it much more appealing to the homebuilder. Personally, I favor the Provisional Z-4 design as it is the lightest and smaller of the Flitzer series.