Friday, August 24, 2012

Alemite Greasing Gun

Wow! A $1.50 for this Alemite greasing tool at an estate sale. First one of this type I've owned. Looks like it belongs in the cab of a steam locomotive, perhaps it will hang inside one soon. Stewart Warner Corp. Alemite Division Made in Chicago USA.

Wednesday, August 15, 2012

Cumbres and Toltec Scenic Railroad

Back in the year 2005, I visited the Cumbres & Toltec RR beginning at the Chama end. It was late March and ofcourse the trains were not running yet but there were folk gathered for a work day, volunteers spend time each season sprucing up the buildings and rail cars among other projects to get the line ready for service in May. After driving over Cumbres Pass and eventually all the way up to Antonito, I felt truly blessed for having visited, by accident, the railroad line. Ever since I have considered returning to volunteer time and labor some season and ride the train as well. Though I haven't returned yet, these days I am considering constructing a scale model of The Cumbres & Toltec with an 'N' guage set for locos and rolling stock. Seems quite a challenge for a novice model railroader but it also gives purpose to another visit to New Mexico and Colorado! Perhaps some aerial photos would be of great assistance in structuring the terrain. A long term project for sure, don't we all need one!

Crystal AM Radio

Remember the old crystal radio kits? This one is from my childhood somewhere around 1980. A "Science Fair" kit from Radio Shack. Many a night was spent tuning into the nearest AM stations and amidst the static you could pull in someones voice or music off of the waves. A good antenna and ground would always produce a connection to the radio world. What's old in new again!

Monday, August 13, 2012

Moving Dirt

Nothing beats the smell of fresh turned soil out here on the farm, whether it be by plow or blade, it's all the same and it stirs a farmers senses.
Sort of like fresh rain from the heavens and the first glimmer of sun on a clear spring morning following the rain.

This project began in the spring of 2009, the goal was to allow the water to drain from the yard freely into the field and not stand in the drive for days. So it has worked quite well but it seems that, as with most any dirt project, it simply isn't quite finished. For the soil is to me as the clay is to the sculptor and it longs to be moved, sometimes it just cries out to me begging to be stirred up.
Perhaps as the weather cools and brings a bit more moisture to the soil we will stir it up a bit more. Fall gardening time is fast approaching as well so we'd better knock the rust off of the old moldboard plow.

Last is a current photo of the same area.
Dozer is International Harvester 500g

Saturday, August 11, 2012

London Olympics Documentary

A fascinating look back into London's history as Tom Brokaw takes us back to WW II. Hitler and Nazi Germany, Winston Churchill and Franklin Roosevelt, Japan and Pearl Harbor. An hour long piece on London's survival and Europe's liberation. A fitting documentary at a special time. Great!

Enjoying the London Olympics 2012!

Lincoln Sport Biplane

This article is available From EAA members only section on their website under the archives of Experimenter and Sport Aviation publications. Included in the article are these construction and three view drawings which are loaded with measurements and details concerning the lincoln Sport Biplane. This is an excellent light plane and would no doubt make for an impressive homebuilt project. Look up the January 1956 Experimenter or search Lincoln Sport.

Wednesday, February 29, 2012

Sunset against the clouds

As the sun was setting yesterday, this photo op appeared for but a few moments. From where I was sitting, talking with my peeps (the dogs), I grabbed my iPod touch and caught this image with the old 2404 IH tractor in the foreground. The old tractors on the farm here help to identify us, just as a significant part of what we do. The darker mass of the tractor combined with the tree line in the distance forces the iPod camera to add the proper amount of light in a low light situation such as this was. Just one of the once in a while shots we find here at home.

Sunday, February 19, 2012

Open Source Ecology Project

Designed and built on Marcin Jakubowski's farm, this tractor cost far less than a commercial tractor.

     As a small scale farmer, I tend to fabricate many implements and tools for the tractor or bull dozer on my own farm. This stems perhaps from an early exposure to shop work and repairing farm equipment on into high school shop class and FFA, and these skills along with the sheer desire to weld and use a cutting torch have carried over into real life experience as a part of the day to day workings of a farmstead.
     This is a great article on NPR highlighting the Open Source Ecology Project of Marcin Jakubowski with a goal of blueprinting 50 different machines or tools that can be fabricated in the home or farm shop for far less cost than a production version.

Saturday, February 18, 2012

Baby Ace

EAA recently made the old MI Mechanix Illustrated plans for the Baby ace available for download on Facebook. We grabbed them up and have had many a look at them with intention of perhaps building one of our own. A fitting light aeroplane for an early morning tour round the countryside.

Monday, February 6, 2012

The Road to Bonneville

The road to Bonneville, the fastest place on earth, appears to be a long and arduous one to travel. Speed Week is the one hot rodding event to perhaps top all others while providing for participation beyond spectating only. It's sure to be a rewarding and worthy achievement to mark our hot rodding adventures. Time will tell, but we keep a trip to Bonneville in our future vision. 
     The February issue of Street Rodder magazine highlights the journey of two street rodders who put together their own cars to drive to Bonneville. If you're interested in street rodding and/or Bonneville then check it out. 

Wednesday, February 1, 2012


Writing and publishing have long been on my list of to-do's and it seems closer now than ever. The path to publishing for me has lead to self-publishing and specifically iBooks for the Apple i-devices. I am currently reading an iBook titled "Publish Your Own iBook" which is proving quite informative on the subject.  If you have any advice or constructive input which you feel will be helpful, please comment as I would appreciate any help.